Importancia de la Inteligencia Artificial para mejorar el diagnóstico de la infertilidad masculina
Estamos emocionados de compartir contigo otra publicación internacional de Citmer Medicina Reproductiva. En este artículo,
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is defined as the union of an egg and a sperm, this is performed in a specialized laboratory, after which the embryos are transferred into the uterus of the patient.
In Vitro Fertilization helps patients with the following conditions, but not limited to:
Ovarian stimulation
Retrieval of mature eggs
In Vitro Fertilization or ICSI
Embryo growth
Transfer of embryos
There is no technique that is better than the other, since both have advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the characteristics of each couple and their infertility situation, it will be more advisable to carry out one or the other method to fertilize the egg.
There will be cases, for example, situations of severe asthenozoospermia, in which ICSI will need to be performed to have the possibility of achieving pregnancy. However, in other cases such as ovulation abnormalities or tubal obstruction, conventional IVF can solve the problem.
In addition to a complete medical history, the tests include a sperm analysis to evaluate the quality of the male semen and a gynecological examination of the woman, which includes a study of her ovarian responsiveness and a study of tubal permeability.
Yes, it is possible to achieve pregnancy even if the patient has this condition. Through In Vitro Fertilization treatment. Not older than 49 years old.
Estamos emocionados de compartir contigo otra publicación internacional de Citmer Medicina Reproductiva. En este artículo,
La fertilidad es un tema importante para muchas parejas que desean tener hijos. Sin embargo,
En el emocionante campo de la reproducción asistida, la técnica de inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides
Gracias al trabajo de nuestros científicos somos capaces de tratar con las mejores prácticas médicas
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