Fernando Solorzano, M.D.

Specialist in Assisted Reproduction

CED. PROF. 5986772

“One of the most important dreams in the life of many people is to have a child. My motivation to specialize in Assisted Reproduction is the happiness that comes from achieving that goal for my patients. I know that at Citmer we have what it takes to help you fulfill your dream.”

To be able to share the illusion when the process begins, to overcome together all the difficulties that may arise, and to finally enjoy the joy when they get to have their baby is a unique feeling.

Graduated from the University of Guanajuato with a degree in Medical Surgery, I have a specialty in Human Reproductive Biology and a postgraduate degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics. I am a member of the Mexican Association of Reproduction A.C. and I am certified by the Mexican Council of Gynecology and Obstetrics."

El Dr. Fernando Solórzano, nuestro Coordinador médico ha sido invitado a participar como profesor en la primera reunión virtual del Grupo de Trabajo de Andrología de la Sociedad de Cirugía Urológica de Turquía.

Marc Vilalta
Marc Villalta
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"We are grateful to you for life and appreciate the follow up, care and attention you gave us.

Noah sends a big kiss to the whole Citmer team and especially to doctor Fernando!"
Araceli Morales
Araceli Morales
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"I have nothing but positive comments about the clinic, starting with the attention of the front desk and all the medical staff.

In particular I recommend our doctor Fernando Solorzano, he assisted us from the very beginning of our treatment, he was always very clear with his explanations, careful and in general gave us very good attention, and fortunately thanks to him we were able to get pregnant and we are already parents of a beautiful baby boy.

Thank you very much!"
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