Biólogo Israel Maldonado Rosas

CEO & Laboratory Director

Ced. Prof. 5416269

“My passion for academia and research have led me to create the Citmer Research Center.

My greatest desire is to help with my knowledge and experience acquired over more than 15 years of career to all the people who trust us to be able to fulfill their dream of having a baby”

Biol. Israel Maldonado Rosas

CEO and Laboratory Director at Citmer, Biologist Israel Maldonado has a long and recognized career in the field of assisted reproduction.

Best Embryologist of the month of November 2020 by the American College of Embryology.

Biologist at the National School of Biological Sciences.

Specialized in Assisted Reproduction Techniques in Valencia, Spain.

Fellow at Kato Ladies in Tokyo, Japan.

Fellow and external Professor in Cleveland Clinic, OhioUSA.

10 years of experience as a professor at the American Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Constant participation in national seminars and international congresses.

Founder of Citmer Reproductive Medicine with 3 branches in CDMX, Puebla and Monterrey

Scientific Publications

In collaboration with more than 34 countries.

International Training Program in Citmer.

Laboratorio de fertilidad Citmer
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