Being the best fertility and reproductive clinic provider in Mexico, through warm and personalized attention along with a medical team equipped with the latest technology that allows us to offer you a highly qualified service to help accomplish your dream of becoming parents. Bringing together the best and most qualified team focused on the success of our treatments and satisfaction of each patient, by basing our techniques on innovation and technology.

Become one of the best fertility and assisted reproduction clinics in the world with the highest success rates, being leaders of opinion in the world in scientific innovations and development. Ensuring the personal, professional and economic growth of our team.

Scientific and Technological Research Center

We are a specialized assisted reproduction center. Our highly qualified equipment allows us to offer you the best service. Authorized by COFEPRIS we have facilities in Mexico City, Puebla and Monterrey.

We will offer you a fully comprehensive care that includes emotional and nutritional support, for your safety our professionals will be with you at all times, answering your questions and caring for your needs.

The purpose of our initial studies is to:

Increasing the chances of success undergoing assisted reproduction procedures.

Decreasing the risks of genetic diseases.

Participation in medical findings, embryological discoveries and advances in genetic technology.

Meet Our Medical Staff Specialized in Reproductive Medicine.

Our commitment is to help you achieve your dream. For that reason, you will always have our reliability, empathy and transparency that you need. Our team has the preparation, experience and professional ethics. And will support you at all times throughout your journey.

Our Experts

Meet Our Laboratory Director

Israel Maldonado.


Biologist at the National School of Biological Sciences.

Specialized in Assisted Reproduction Techniques in Valencia, Spain.

Fellow at Kato Ladies in Tokyo, Japan.

Fellow and External Professor at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA.

10 years of experience as a professor at the American Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Constant participation in national seminars and international congresses.

At Citmer, having world-class scientific collaborations is important. From the first moment that our Center for Technological Innovation and Reproductive Medicine (Citmer) was conceived by Biologist Israel Maldonado, the need for a world-class Mexican 100% fertility clinic was observed.

Biól Israel Maldonado

Biologist Israel Maldonado

CEO & Laboratory Director

Ced. Prof. 5416269

International Awards and Recognitions

Top Embryologist of the Month by the American College of Embryology in November 2020.

International Training Program

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¡En CITMER nuestros especialistas entendemos la lucha de la infertilidad! por lo cual podemos brindarte apoyo y soluciones que necesitas. En nuestro chat de WhatsApp, recibirás un cálido mensaje de bienvenida. Estamos aquí para acompañarte y ayudarte a alcanzar tus sueños de ser padres. ¡No estás solo/a!
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