Gender Selection

Preimplantation genetic test is carried out to avoid the transfer of embryos with any pathology, and with it we can also "Select the Sex of your Baby" nowadays science has reached these scopes and in Citmer we can support you.


Baby Gender Selection Supports:

  • People who want to have a baby with the desired sex, either a boy or a girl, as a family balance, among others.

A lot of couples want to choose the sex of their baby for many reasons.

Medical reasons:

To avoid having a child with a hereditary sex-linked disease, such as muscular dystrophy or hemophilia, since only males born are affected.

Family balance:

Couples already have at least one child of the same sex and wish to have another child of the opposite sex to enjoy both boys and girls in their family.

The procedure


It consists of a pre-implantation genetic test combined with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment.

These embryos are analyzed in the laboratory to ensure that they are free of chromosomal or genetic problems and to determine the sex of each embryo. Finally, only those healthy embryos are transferred.



No, like any other procedure, it has indications and contraindications and must be considered within the context of the patient's history.


The PGT test identifies chromosomally abnormal embryos with almost 100% accuracy. However, the rate of false positives (normal embryos misdiagnosed as abnormal) is unknown. According to some publications, it can go as high as 30% and varies between different testing labs.

Not necessarily, the cause of the miscarriage can be traumatic. A point to keep in mind is that in younger patients typically only about half of all miscarriages are due to chromosomal errors in the embryos. On the other hand, patients of advanced reproductive age may simply not have enough embryos to justify extensive embryo cultivation and embryo biopsy. 

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