Importancia de la Inteligencia Artificial para mejorar el diagnóstico de la infertilidad masculina
Estamos emocionados de compartir contigo otra publicación internacional de Citmer Medicina Reproductiva. En este artículo,
In Intrauterine Insemination is a low complexity assisted reproduction treatment that consists in the induction of ovulation and the implantation of capacitated sperm into the patient's uterus through a soft plastic catheter with the aim of of achieving pregnancy..
It is the most natural and less invasive assisted reproduction technique, since the trained and selected sperm in the laboratory will fertilize the egg.
Making the decision about which assisted reproduction center to choose is difficult, as multiple factors must be taken into account.
We would like to support you in this process, achieving your pregnancy with an artificial insemination treatment.
The chances of getting pregnant after undergoing more than 3 insemination attempts are very low, so it is necessary to consult a specialist to determine the appropriate method for your needs.
Artificial Insemination is a low cost, simpler reproductive technique, but it is indicated based on the patient's situation and has more requirements, such as the woman's age.
While In Vitro Fertilization is a high complexity technique, and process is performed in an embryology laboratory. Patients with certain conditions or older patients can achieve pregnancy.
In addition to evaluating the situation of each patient, artificial insemination is recommended for women with; good ovarian reserve, age less than 36 years, fallopian tube patency and good seminal quality in the partner or donor.
Chances of having twins in a natural pregnancy stand at 1.1%, while the percentage of conceiving identical twins naturally is 0.4%.
With Artificial Insemination, the probability of a multiple pregnancy increases to 8.3%. According to statistical reports of Assisted Reproduction.
Estamos emocionados de compartir contigo otra publicación internacional de Citmer Medicina Reproductiva. En este artículo,
La fertilidad es un tema importante para muchas parejas que desean tener hijos. Sin embargo,
En el emocionante campo de la reproducción asistida, la técnica de inyección intracitoplasmática de espermatozoides
Gracias al trabajo de nuestros científicos somos capaces de tratar con las mejores prácticas médicas
Fertility preservation is a set of techniques used with the
The quality of a woman's eggs is the main factor in achieving a
The breasts are the organs with the highest risk of suffering from a neoplasm in women.