Egg Freezing / Fertility Preservation

Female Preservation


How do I preserve?

Egg retrieval is a simple, quick and painless procedure. After follicular puncture, the eggs are cryopreserved in the laboratory at a temperature of -196º and kept in liquid nitrogen.


For how long will my frozen eggs wait for me?

For as long as you need. Cryopreservation is a very safe process that guarantees the viability of the eggs after devitrification without the passage of time affecting their quality.


What does egg vitrification do for me?

With egg vitrification, women can keep their eggs at their most fertile age and use them later when they want to look for a child. The chances of getting pregnant will remain the same as at the time the eggs were vitrified and, therefore, the success rate will be higher than any other fertility treatment that can be performed at that age.


Male Preservation


The semen is frozen through a sample that is cryopreserved with liquid nitrogen at -196 °C, which guarantees the viability of the sperm once thawed. The samples are stored in the semen bank, which allows them to be stored in optimal conditions.


In what cases is sperm frozen?
Seminal cryopreservation supports:

  • Men who are undergoing any medical treatment that may affect their fertility, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Patients who have decided to undergo a vasectomy and want to cryopreserve samples in case they wish to become parents in the future. If the man is not going to be able to provide the seminal sample on the day of the follicular puncture, for example, due to labor issues. It is especially practical in the cases of patients residing abroad who resort to egg donation.
  • Men who usually have difficulties in obtaining the sample, such as those who suffer from psychological blockages.
  • Men who will be exposed to dangerous situations, such as soldiers who must travel to conflict zones.


Depending on the patient's age and other factors, it is recommended that the procedure should be performed before the age of 35. Since the quality of the quality of the eggs begins to diminish more noticeably after that age.


There are several phases to the process, but it lasts approximately 8 to 12 days. In which there are 3 to 4 visits to the clinic.

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