
Reception of Ovocytes from Partner

This is a variant of In Vitro Fertilization, which means "reception of the couple's eggs". It is an alternative for women couples that offers them the possibility of becoming parents, this method is one of the safest and most effective.

In this procedure, the eggs of one of the members of the couple are extracted and fertilized before the embryo obtained is implanted in the uterus of the couple, making one of them the biological mother and the other the gestating mother.

Who is this procedure intended for?

Designed for women who are same-sex couples, who want to have a child, both playing a fundamental part in the process on the birth of their baby.


The procedure


  • Ovarian Stimulation (biologic mother)
  • Endometrial preparation (gestating mother)
  • Egg fertilization: carried out with sperm from a donor
  • Embryo monitoring
  • Embryo transfer into the gestating mother


For the genetic mother (who provides her eggs) it is recommended that she be the youngest, since the quality of the oocytes is diminished with age. Also, that genetic analyzes be carried out to ensure the quality of the embryos.

As for the gestating woman, it is important that she has a normal uterine cavity and is in overall good health. This means, without diseases that could potentially complicate the pregnancy.


Yes, there is the alternative of becoming parents through Artificial Insemination with donor sperm.

Under this technique, only one woman participates in the process, to whom hormonal medication is administered in order to proceed with the intrauterine insemination.


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