Causes of female infertility

If we talk about female infertility, we must take into account several factors, especially in women who have difficulty getting pregnant. Not all women share the same cause of infertility, so the opinion of a specialist doctor is important.


One of the main causes that prevents pregnancy in women is the absence of ovulation, which produces irregular menstrual cycles, this can be a problem of simple resolution if it is, for example, a picture of polycystic ovary syndrome and if you have an assessment timely, in this pathology, which involves up to 60% of women with infertility, in most cases there is an endocrine-metabolic alteration that does not manifest itself with symptoms in patients except difficulty in conceiving, and its treatment in most cases Sometimes it requires a replenishment of menstrual regularity and spontaneous or induced ovulation.


Another common cause is endometriosis, this condition can affect up to 70% of women with infertility and 15% of women of reproductive age, this pathology consists of the location of cells of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrial) in places outside the same, being the most common localization site the ovary and the pelvic cavity. When the migration of these cells causes endometrial implants outside the uterus, it is considered endometriosis. If these implants are located in the ovary, the ovules lose their fertilization capacity, making pregnancy difficult.



Thyroid dysfunction secondary to primary thyroid damage or production of antithyroid antibodies is another common cause of infertility in women. The thyroid is a gland that regulates multiple vital functions in our body, one of which is to maintain integrity and regularity. of the menstrual cycle, hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder in women of reproductive age who have problems getting pregnant. Treatment with a low dose of levothyroxine can fully restore ovulatory function and facilitate pregnancy.


Alterations in the hormone prolactin also interfere with female fertility, since at very high levels it alters the secretion of hormones produced by our brain for the regulation of the ovary and the maintenance of a normal menstrual cycle. The alterations of this hormone are asymptomatic so that they can only be identified during the taking of serum laboratories during the study of a couple with infertility problems, their correction consists of taking drugs exclusively to reduce prolactin, but once treated the clinical picture is reversible and when fertility returns to allow a normal pregnancy.


Finally, another of the frequent causes of infertility is changes in the weight of women, mostly problems of overweight or obesity, in addition to increasing cardiovascular risk, diabetes and hypertension. The presence of insulin resistance in these patients triggers lack of ovulation, fertilization problems as well as alterations in embryonic implantation, women who present this problem benefit from the use of metformin temporarily, and once this alteration is corrected You can even achieve a spontaneous pregnancy.


During the assessment of a couple with fertility problems, we carry out a detailed interview in which most of your and your partner's background is collected, in order to carry out a comprehensive study that allows us to obtain the possible causes that produce the fertility problems. pregnancy difficulties. In order to treat each of the problems and make it easier for you to have your baby.


Women with infertility problems in general may have one or more of the aforementioned pathologies that require timely intervention and a fertility specialist, the treatment time may vary, it initially depends on the diseases or endocrinological alterations that are found and on the feasibility of treatment and commitment of the couple for its resolution, in most cases the problem can be treated within 6 to 8 weeks and also requires the participation of a nutrition specialist so that our patients acquire a comprehensive treatment and that allows joint management with the medical area.


On many occasions, pregnancy occurs naturally once the problems have been identified and treated, after achieving pregnancy, it is important to maintain adequate prenatal controls so that the pregnancy proceeds normally.



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