IVF Am I a Candidate? What does success depend on? What should I consider?

IVF is the most effective technique to achieve a pregnancy. In vitro fertilization consists of the maturation of the ovules, using hormonal drugs for a period of approximately 10-14 days, then extracting the ovules in the operating room, fertilizing them in the laboratory and finally transferring them to the mother's uterus to allow the development of an embryo. .


How do I know if it is the treatment for me?


In general, IVF is recommended in women diagnosed with infertility; which is the search for a year or more of a pregnancy in women under 35 years of age, or of 6 months in women over 35 years of age.

However, it is recommended for various medical conditions, including recurrent abortions, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, low ovarian reserve, premature ovarian failure, definitive surgeries to control fertility such as vasectomy or bilateral tubal occlusion. It is also useful in cases of single women, couples of women (ROPA method), failures in previous treatments, low sperm count, severe alterations in the shape of the sperm or low mobility. In addition to offering the possibility of performing a preimplantation genetic diagnosis, sex selection and intentional search for a multiple pregnancy.




The suggested age limit for carrying out this type of treatment is before 50 years of age, in addition, the couple's health condition, the causal factors of infertility, the surgical and obstetric history should be considered to design the ideal strategy in each case. Within the range of options within IVF is the use of own eggs and sperm, testicular or epididymal biopsy, as well as the donation of eggs and sperm, either from known donors or from a bank. In addition to offering the possibility of planning the correct moment to carry out a gestation.


What does success depend on?

For in vitro fertilization to work correctly, several factors must be considered, including leading a healthy life, suspending the consumption of toxic substances, properly applying the indicated medications and following the correct instructions during the process. Success rates depend on general health conditions, maternal age and seminal quality.


Therefore, each case must be individualized to consider the prognosis according to the selected strategy.


What should I consider?

It should be considered that undergoing IVF requires commitment in terms of the suggested medical guidelines, partner support and emotional support, since the correct balance in the process will favor the early arrival of your much-desired and beloved baby.


9 out of 10 couples manage to have their baby with the help of assisted reproduction techniques.


At Citmer we know that we can help you achieve your dream of being a mom.

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