How does PCOS affect ovulation?

Polycystic ovary syndrome in most cases can have implications for women's fertility, directly affecting their ovulation, and in this case make pregnancy difficult.


Ovulation is the result of a set of brain and ovarian hormones coordinated for the same goal, to facilitate the possibility of a pregnancy each month, but sometimes one or more of these hormones lose this coordination and menstrual cycles may be regular. say show up every month, but don't ovulate. Factors such as being overweight, obesity or lack of exercise combined with a sedentary lifestyle also play an important role in this process, because they can alter the normal metabolism of our body and prevent cells from receiving their nutrients properly, this type of alteration can change if PCOS is diagnosed early.


In particular, in women with this condition, the lack of ovulation does not present any symptoms, except that a spontaneous pregnancy is not possible and that in the case of a woman of childbearing age, it would be the main reason for consulting a reproductive specialist. assisted.


In the event that this problem is identified in women, the solution is quite simple, since it requires that the patient return to a normal metabolic state so that with the polycystic ovary syndrome controlled and under treatment, ovulation returns normally. In some more difficult-to-treat cases where a balanced diet and regular aerobic exercise do not allow ovulation, the use of additional medications is necessary to return the body to its normal monthly ovulatory state, including drugs such as metformin for the treatment of insulin resistance, and ovulation-inducing drugs to achieve a pregnancy through assisted reproduction technique, it is necessary in this case that each patient is managed in a personalized way by their specialist doctor, so that the treatment is according to their needs, therefore It is important that you consult your doctor in a timely manner.


Once you receive treatment and in conjunction with a specialized nutritionist, polycystic ovary syndrome can have a considerable improvement to facilitate your pregnancy, however, some cases may require a more complex assisted reproduction treatment that requires in vitro fertilization to achieve pregnancy. pregnancy.


Polycystic ovary syndrome is a very common problem that can affect your fertility, come to citmer, we know we can help you.


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