How to help my IVF treatment work? 10 tips to improve your chances of success

What to do to get the positive? How can I help my In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment work? There are many factors that influence the success of In Vitro Fertilization and achieving pregnancy. Lead a healthy life, avoid toxic habits, apply medication correctly and these 10 recommendations Y little tips, such as avoiding perfumes or going with a full bladder on the day of the transfer, can be of great help.
balanced weight
  • Weight can affect fertilization. Being overweight is not convenient and excessive thinness does not help the success of the treatment. A healthy diet will favor our ovules to be healthy and our body receptive to gestation; and to achieve this, a good diet and a correct supply of vitamins are vital. People with obesity are three times more likely to have fertility problems due to hormonal changes, changes in the menstrual cycle or anovulation, in addition to greater complications during the pregnancy of the baby.
Avoid toxic habits
  • Sometimes we are not aware of how much we expose our body to toxic habits. Smoking, coffee or drinking alcohol are factors that can affect fertility and the success of IVF. Smoking, both active and passive, increases the chances of miscarriage, alters the menstrual cycle, decreases ovarian reserve and anti-Müllerian hormone levels. In addition, it has been proven that tobacco can interfere with the transport of the oocyte through the fallopian tube, with the chances of being fertilized and with early embryonic development. Women who smoke have a lower pregnancy rate and this addiction is proven to even affect the fertility of their future children.
emotional reinforcement
  • It also helps to be emotionally prepared, which is why CITMER, all our patients have emotional support in their treatment so that they prepare emotionally prior to the start of their treatment for the different emotions they may face.
Rigor when following pharmacological guidelines
  • To improve the possibilities of assisted reproduction treatment, it is very important to respect the schedules of the medication, it is necessary to ensure that its administration is at the same time each day. And if vaginal pills are included in the guideline, it is advisable to lie down for a few minutes for better absorption.
Respect the cold chain
  • In addition, if the drugs for in vitro fertilization require refrigeration, it is essential to respect the cold chain and keep them at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer. A good tip is to use a thermal bag to avoid variations in temperature after your purchase at the pharmacy.
Assess possible pharmacological contraindications
  • It is advisable to consult with the gynecologist if you are taking any additional medication in order to rule out any contraindication that may have implications for the IVF cycle.
full bladder
  • On the day of the embryo transfer, you should go with the desire to urinate; the liquid in the bladder facilitates the correct vision of the most suitable place to deposit the embryo.
Natural environment
  • The moment of the transfer must be the closest thing to the natural process that occurs in the womb, so it is advisable to avoid perfumes, deodorants and creams with strong odors that can affect the environment.
Healthy lifestyle
  • Try to lead a healthy life. Rest, proper nutrition and moderate exercise.
Personalize treatment
  • And without a doubt, to improve the prognosis it is key to put yourself in the hands of specialists who individualize and study your case in detail, applying the highest technology.


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