How does being overweight and obese affect fertility?

As it is well known today, overweight and obesity represent one of the main Public Health problems, due to all that it implies, from chronic degenerative diseases, work disability and infertility. Mexico is one of the countries with the highest number of overweight or obese people. INEGI data indicate that 17 % of the Mexican population of reproductive age has infertility problems, of which 40% affects men who are overweight or obese.


Overweight and obesity are abnormal conditions caused mainly by an energy imbalance between the calories ingested and those expended, as a result we find an excess of fatty tissue storage.


The main changes that we can find in these conditions are: changes in the lipid content in the testicle and in epididymal cells.



Several studies have reported the important relationship between obesity and its negative effect at the hormonal level. Of the main alterations described, we find an increase in estradiol, which can be translated as an alteration in the testicular environment, affecting spermatogenesis (sperm formation), reflecting in low sperm motility and concentration.


Another explanation for the relationship of obesity that induces a decrease in testosterone, this is mainly due to a condition in the functionality of the Leydig cell.


In conclusion, several studies determine a higher probability of abnormal seminal parameters in overweight men and infertility in obese couples.


So if we have some degree of overweight or obesity and infertility, it is best to reduce our body weight to a good extent, in order to improve the quality of our seminal parameters as well as having a better quality of life.


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