Have you heard of oxidative stress? This silent condition affects male fertility

Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of male infertility of unknown origin, which arises when free radicals (originating in the environment or produced in high amounts in our cells), they generate reactive substances that can make us sick and age us.


Regarding oxidative stress, sperm are especially vulnerable to free radical damage and some of its consequences include:

  • Impair the comprehensive function of sperm.
  • Decrease sperm concentration and motility.
  • Cause abnormalities in sperm morphology.
  • Damage the DNA of the sperm, consequently reducing the fertilization of the egg.


And all of this affects the ability of boys to become fathers.


How do we detect oxidative stress as a cause of male infertility?


Yes in the fertility clinic we see that a man is potentially fertile because he has sperm with good concentration, mobility and shape, but he cannot have babies, we resort to more advanced diagnostic methods to discover what is affecting our patient's fertility.


A new way to investigate it is through a measurement system for sperm oxidative stress, which allows a fast, accurate and inexpensive test to directly measure the oxidation-reduction potential in sperm.


Fortunately, science has developed a state-of-the-art method for making a more in-depth diagnosis of semen. At Citmer, in accordance with our philosophy of innovation, we bring this measurement system to Mexico for the first time, thus increasing our chances of success in assisted reproduction treatments.


This is a great hope in difficult cases where the male factor is the cause of infertility in the couple, mainly because there are silent diseases -such as oxidative stress- that are not diagnosable with conventional methods performed in fertility clinics in the country.


At Citmer we can already diagnose them reliably with this new technology. Our Laboratory Director, Israel Maldonado Rosas, is a specialist in the MiOXSYS diagnostic method, used specifically at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States to detect oxidative stress, a condition that only in the United States affects 40% in men with a fertility.


Oxidative stress is a silent pathology that afflicts many men, not only in Mexico but around the world, but this detection method has significantly improved their prognosis of becoming fathers.


Thanks to our diagnostic technology, many patients do not need to undergo an In Vitro Fertilization process. If we diagnose them properly, can be treated and become parents naturally.


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