Boy or girl? Methods to select the sex of the baby

Will it be a boy or a girl?
Many dads are curious, mixed with a bit of excitement and fear, when the baby is on the way. Some wait for the surprise until it is born, others want to know it immediately, but now you can know it before pregnancy thanks to the prenatal sex selection.
Perhaps you have the illusion of a girl or a boy, you want to balance your family or maybe you want to prevent hereditary diseases exclusive to one gender... For whatever reason, two options can help you choose: preimplantation genetic diagnosis and sperm selection. In sex selection can be a viable option for:


  • Couples or women who already they have a boy or a girl and want to choose the gender of their next baby to achieve family balance.
  • Patients who are at risk of transmitting a hereditary sex-linked disease. For example, muscular dystrophy or hemophilia only affects males.
  • Couples or women who yearn for a boy or a girl, for multiple reasons.


The main methods of sex selection;


On the one hand, there is sperm selection. Each assisted reproduction clinic uses different techniques to choose the sperm, but the most reliable technique is called microsort, consisting of in identifying and classifying spermatozoa according to their chromosome (X for girls, Y for boys).Secondly, is the In Vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT).
This method practically guarantees the sex of the baby, because the embryos are analyzed before implanting them in the patient's uterus.
What are the advantages of selection on embryos compared to selection on sperm?
Choosing the sex in embryos allows us to analyze the sex of the baby directly in the embryo that will be implanted, so it has 99% effectiveness. On the other hand, the effectiveness to select the sperm of the sex that we want the baby to have ranges between 70 and 80% . That is why 80% of our patients seeks to do it directly in the embryos.Currently, the costs of this type of analysis are accessible and have a high percentage of effectiveness.
At Citmer we have a safe technique for sex selection in embryos given the state-of-the-art technology we use. Sex selection is a very personal and important decision to start a family and, like any assisted reproduction method, it is vital to make decisions in an informed manner. If you want to know more about the technique to see the birth of the boy or girl you are looking for, do not hesitate to ask for professional advice and consult a specialist to clarify your doubts.
At Citmer we have the technology and experience to carry out both sex selection techniques. Visit us.

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