
Whenever we are going to undergo a study, there is uncertainty about how we will be or if we will have a problem. Within the parameters that the Spermogram analyzes, the mobility of the sperm is one of the most important. An alteration in this parameter is asthenozoospermia or asthenospermia, this translates into sperm that move slower than normal.


But do not worry, there is good news, in the event that this alteration is reported to you, it has a solution. Although it is a cause of male infertility, you can achieve pregnancy with any of the treatments that we will indicate.



Among the main associated factors we have the following:


– Presence of antisperm antibodies.
– Excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs.
- Advanced age.
- Fever.
– Exposure to toxic agents such as fertilizers, chemical solvents, etc.
– Infections.
– Poor diet, foods high in saturated fats.
– Prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
– Oncological treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
– May have a genetic cause. As in Kartagener Syndrome or Microdeletions on the Y chromosome.




As for treatment options, there are two alternatives that can help improve sperm motility.


– Natural treatment: improving a healthy lifestyle and avoiding bad habits (consumption of tobacco, alcohol, etc.) This can be of great help in cases of mild asthenozoospermia. In addition, the consumption of a vitamin supplement is recommended, since an improvement has been reported with the administration of antioxidants.

-Pharmacological treatment: depending on the severity and the cause.


If you are diagnosed with asthenozoospermia, in some situations it is advisable to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, either conventional or through ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).


As you can see, it is a condition that has a solution, we can help you decide on the best treatment and achieve your dream of being a father.

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