Diagnóstico de Fertilidad

Have you been trying to get pregnant for more than a year?
There are probably causes of infertility in the couple. It is important for us to carefully study your case, provide you with an accurate diagnosis and give you the best treatment choice to follow.
Remember that at all times you will have personalized attention from our specialist doctors and we will be with you to answer all your questions.

Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us.

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At Citmer we perform an evaluation to discover the causes of infertility in the couple, both female and male. The first step is a diagnostic consultation with our medical specialists. The corresponding studies will be performed and the clinical history will be analyzed to find the ideal treatment for the couple.


We are aware of the courage that our patients have, so it is important for us to take care of your emotional and psychological health.

Our emotional and nutritional support is provided in all our treatments, we are with you through the entire journey.

Yes, it is possible to achieve pregnancy even if the patient has this condition. Through In Vitro Fertilization treatment. Not older than 49 years old.

Do you have further questions? Get in touch.

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¡En CITMER nuestros especialistas entendemos la lucha de la infertilidad! por lo cual podemos brindarte apoyo y soluciones que necesitas. En nuestro chat de WhatsApp, recibirás un cálido mensaje de bienvenida. Estamos aquí para acompañarte y ayudarte a alcanzar tus sueños de ser padres. ¡No estás solo/a!
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