B.Comm. Bianca Quezada

Emotional Support Therapist

CED. PROF. 3322056

I believe that each family is different and therefore their needs are different. For me, being able to emotionally support families in their search for pregnancy means to participate in the building of their dreams.

Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum are fundamental pillars to make a difference in the world, so when families allow me to share with them in any of these areas, it is a unique experience and a great opportunity to build relationships. My commitment is to accompany you from what for you is part of its essence.

I have a Bachelor's degree in Communication from the Universidad Iberoamericana, and specializations in Human Resources Management from the UNAM, Perinatal Education from the Anahuac University, and I am currently studying to be a psychologist at the Mexican Institute of Psycho-oncology. I have formation in Integrated Therapy by Anahuac University of the EMDR Mexico Association, and Postpartum Depression by the Mexican National Institute of Psychiatry. 

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