Main aspects to consider when choosing a donor

Artificial insemination is an excellent option for many people, including same-sex couples, single mothers, and couples in which the man has a low sperm count, lack of sperm mobility, or fertility problems.


However, once you have chosen the Intrauterine Insemination as a method of conception, it is time to choose the right donor. Although you probably don't know your donor in person, you can have a better result by properly analyzing donor profiles.


Although there are many criteria when choosing the donor for artificial insemination, it is impossible to establish one that is more important than the others, since it is something completely personal. Therefore, we share some aspects that you should take into account for your choice.


1. Physical characteristics

One of the advantages of going to a donor bank is that you can access information about the physical characteristics of the donor, such as ethnic origin, height, hair color and eye color, among others.



It is completely natural and understandable that you want a donor who looks like you or your partner. However, you also need to remember that even if the donor has similar traits to what you're looking for, it's impossible to know what your child's physical appearance will be like once they're an adult.


2. Personality and other intangible characteristics

Of course, physical attributes are not the only aspect to consider when choosing a donor for artificial insemination. Therefore, it is important to go to a clinic that includes personality characteristics in the description of its donors. This will allow you to get a more complete impression of your donor's profile.


A good way to think about this is to imagine the intangible characteristics that you would like your child to have, such as sensitivity, a sense of humor, talents, and intelligence, among others.

It is highly advisable that you discuss with your partner exactly what criteria you are looking for before going to a sperm bank. By doing so, they will be able to narrow down their search from the start.


3. Verify that the information provided is true

When you start the search for your donor, look for an option that can guarantee the donor's health status and the quality of the donated semen. Thus, you can be sure that your child will grow up completely healthy.


Did you know that Citmer has the largest international sperm bank in Mexico?


Come to us and you will find a huge variety of qualified donors to choose from with the confidence that it is a safe option for you and your family.


If you would like to know more about our sperm bank for your artificial insemination treatment, please contact us!

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