What is endometriosis and how does it affect a woman's fertility?

endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrial tissue (what grows each month to come out during menstruation) grows outside the uterus.


Some of its symptoms are severe menstrual pain, heavy bleeding, chronic fatigue and infertility.



The diagnosis is one of the difficult factors since it is confused with symptoms of menstruation, on average doctors take between six and nine years to diagnose it, due to the lack of knowledge of the patient about this disease that can even become disabling .


Patients who have suffered from the disease compare the pain to that of labor contractions, or to the pain that a cesarean section can cause.

The endocrine system is different in each woman, as well as each of the
components involved in the onset of the disease.


It has possibly genetic roots, but it is known that certain things trigger it, such as the endocrine descriptors of the environment, which is why in more polluted cities there are worse cases of the disease, food (with high amounts of hormones, pesticides, and herbicides) and the stress.


We are with you, come to our specialists for your assessment and together find the best solution to this disease.

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