How climate change can affect fertility?


Today the effects of climate change are increasingly evident, and difficult to ignore. Probably, we are talking about the biggest obstacle that as humanity we must fight.


And although the consequences of our actions are evident, such as the increase in temperature, pollution in the world's capitals or the rise of the seas, did you know that climate change can also affect man's fertility?


In both plants and animals, gametogenesis, the event by which germ cells become gametes, specifically sperm and ovules, is a process that is particularly sensitive to stress caused by temperature variations.


It is known that, in male gametogenesis, the increase in temperature affects this critical process, resulting in observable changes in sperm such as:


  1. Lower number of sperm cells
  2. abnormal sperm morphology
  3. Clear decrease in your mobility


These are valuable parameters that help determine the fertilizing capacity of sperm, not only from humans, but from many different species.


Throughout the world there is a rise in temperature, even reaching 54º C in some latitudes of the Middle East. In Mexico alone, the months of April and May 2019 were recorded as the hottest in the last four years.


Let's remember that the testicles are outside the body to stay at a slightly lower temperature, and in this way, optimize the production of spermatozoa, as well as their vitality.

Specifically for men, the optimal body temperature is around 37º C, while the testicles are at 35º C or 36º C. Now imagine with us, what would happen under a radiant day, with the sun at its highest point and a uncontrollable heat never before recorded.


Not only is our planet and its vast biodiversity affected by climate change, but male fertility as well.


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