Can I get pregnant with tubal ligation?
Gracias a la libertad que existe para decidir sobre la maternidad, algunos años atrás surgió la salpingoclasia (también conocida como OTB) o coloquialmente como
Gracias a la libertad que existe para decidir sobre la maternidad, algunos años atrás surgió la salpingoclasia (también conocida como OTB) o coloquialmente como
Even when we have complete confidence in our doctor, we can still leave the consultation with some doubt, or we simply want to be sure that
Scientific and technological advances in assisted reproduction have made enormous strides in the last 2 decades. From the birth of the first baby by
If we talk about female infertility, we must take into account several factors, especially in women who have difficulty getting pregnant. Not all
IVF is the most effective technique to achieve a pregnancy. In vitro fertilization consists of the maturation of the ovules, using hormonal drugs
Whenever we are going to undergo a study, there is uncertainty about how we will be or if we will have a problem. Within the parameters that
Will it be a boy or a girl? Many dads are curious, mixed with a bit of excitement and fear, when the baby is on the way. Some wait for the surprise
Why is it so bad? Although it is well known that smoking has negative impacts on the general health of people,
As it is well known today, overweight and obesity represent one of the main problems of Public Health, for everything that
Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of male infertility of unknown origin, which arises when free radicals (originated in the